Safety Video Course
Display Screen Equipment
This program raises awareness of DSE issues in the workplace. By paying close attention to job requirements workplace design, the risk to health and safety at work can be minimized and the workplace experience made more comfortable.
All workplaces make use of some sort of Display Screen Equipment. Display Screen Equipment, sometimes referred to as DSE, is any computer workstation or piece of equipment that has an alphanumeric or graphic display screen.
Tasks requiring prolonged use of display screen equipment can present real hazards to users. Use of that equipment requires proper management to control the hazards and reduce the risks to DSE users.
Display Screen Equipment Online Training:
This training program aims to raise awareness of DSE issues in the workplace. By paying close attention to the requirements of the job and the design of the workplace, the threat to individuals’ health and safety at work can be made as small, and the workplace experience made as comfortable as possible.
Equipment categorized as display screen equipment include:
- Desktop and laptop computers,
- Tablets,
- Smartphones,
- Cash register displays,
- LCD monitors, and
- All varieties of touchscreens
Video Running Time:
12 minutes
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