Safety Video Course
The burns training program examines the principles of first aid treatment for burns victims. The program illustrates the need for recognition, evaluation and control of hazards that may lead to burns injuries and what to do in a burn emergency.
A severe burn is not only life threatening but it can also have profound effects, not only on the victim, but also on the victim’s family.
About the Course:
The Burns training program examines the general principles of first aid treatment for burns victims. In the workplace many burns result following violations of safe work practices. This program graphically illustrates to the entire workforce the need for recognition, evaluation and control of hazards that may lead to burns injuries. The program also informs the audience what to do should they be personally involved in a burn emergency.
Course Details:
The main problem associated with burns is skin damage and the effect this damage has on the well-being of the victim. This program therefore starts with a detailed look at the skin’s structure and functions.
Areas covered in this program include:
- Causes of burns
- Classification of burns
- Life threatening outcomes from burns: Infection, Shock, Breathing difficulties
- General first aid principles of management of burns victims
- Guidelines for seeking medical assistance.
The first aid treatments for the following types of burns are covered:
- Flame burns
- Scalds
- Electrical burns, and
- Chemical burns
Video Running Time:
17 minutes
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